With the economic progress and social development, the development of China's industrial industry has been driven. We all know that industry is an important component of the promotion of economic and Social Development Therefore has the high quality industrial production material to the industrial profession development to play the vital role. As is known to all, rubber mix is an important part of industry. Rubber mix is a kind of semi-finished product and the quality of the product is directly affected by the quality of the material. Today TANSIL introduce is the knowledge of mixing rubber.
Mixing Process: Silicone in kneading machine can improve the production efficiency and operating environment. Its basic matching process. In order to remove the moisture and other volatiles in Silicone and promote the dispersion and penetration between silicone rubber and silica, the Silicone and structure control agent are added and heat treated at 150-180 °C for 1-6 hours; The mixture is then further mixed on a two-roller machine with a modifier.
and finally, impurities in the rubber material are removed by filtration. However, the mixing time is not easy to be too long, when the mixing is evenly dispersed, the Silicone material is completely wrapped by rollers and the surface is smooth, the mixing can be completed. It'll stick to the drum for too long. Mixing time is very short, cooling should be strengthened to keep the roller temperature low.
Add Silicone, fine powder easy to fly. Protective measures should be stepped up. Silicone rubber is soft. PUTTY knives are used for mixing and cutting, not for cutting. Do not use as other glues during thin pass, but use plexiglass or nylon scraper. The compound should be kept for a period of time to facilitate the complete diffusion of the supporting material. When in use, the Silicone must be recycled, and the recovered rubber can be used after being refined. If the time is too long, the performance of vulcanized rubber will decline.
TANSIL has 22 years of experience in the application of silicone manufacturers, has its own Independent Laboratory for some customized R & D adaptation to make targeted silicone products。